2013 Article Archives

Providers Garner Increased 340B Program Access from Health Reform

Sep 10, 2010 at 10:18 am by steve

In August, as many as 1,500 additional hospitals, including children's hospitals, free-standing cancer centers, critical access hospitals, rural referral centers and sole comm.... Read More

The Literary Examiner

Sep 10, 2010 at 10:18 am by steve

Passages in Caregiving by Gail Sheehy c.2010, William Morrow              $27.99 / $29.99 Canada   .... Read More

Christine Attracts International Attention on Sling Treatment

Sep 10, 2010 at 10:18 am by steve

Urology Centers of Alabama conducting study with sling For three years now, Australian urologists have made a point of stopping in Birmingham for training. The draw is a loca.... Read More

Reverse Shoulder Replacement Relieves Arthritis Pain and Improves Function

Sep 10, 2010 at 10:18 am by steve

A decade ago, people with a torn rotator cuff and severe arthritis in the shoulder were beyond surgical treatment, and had no choice but to live with the pain. However, in 200.... Read More

New Surgical Method Can Preserve Shoulder Function in Cancer Patients

Sep 10, 2010 at 10:18 am by steve

Bone loss related to primary or metastatic cancer lesions of the shoulder’s proximal humerus is a challenging problem for orthopaedic surgeons. Many methods of surgical.... Read More

August 2024

Aug 19, 2024 at 07:31 pm by kbarrettalley

Your August 2024 Issue of Birmingham Medical News is Here!